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terredimare  // Posts published by terredimare

The wood of Migliarino

The wood of Migliarino

The wood of Migliarino We are venturing into the territory once belonged to Earls and Dukes, in a boundless pinewood a part of which is now back to the ancient naturalness of a coast forest. From the wood, you’ll reach the sea and it’s like going back in time… Recommended choice: the excursion is really […]


Wild Nature in the Nature Reserve of Orecchiella

Wild Nature in the Nature Reserve of Orecchiella

…completely immerged in the Apennine scenery, among beech-woods, forests and humid meadows, we will venture along cycle tracks and footpaths following the tracks of ungulates and wolvesin the territory of the Eagle. You can experience this in one day or more: so you might sleep at the foot of a very old tree, discover the pleasure of walking […]


The Apuane Alps

The Apuane Alps

…beyond Garfagnana valley, in front of the Tyrrhenian Sea, the wildest area of the Apuane Alps are situated, a Regional Park of enchanting beauty and treacherous difficulty. We can go through it on foot in 4 or 5 days, from hut to hut, but also hurriedly visit it in one day; they offer pointed peaks, […]


Discover all the routes available for cycling on MTbike!

Discover all the routes available for cycling on MTbike!

In the saddle of a bicycle we obtain the best result with the minimum effort and our legs consume renewable energy according to the protocol of Kyoto… no fossil fuel… a bike is silent, light, it hasn’t any restrictions on entering cities or natural parks. Does a better mean of transport exist? Through cycle tracks […]


The River Park

The River Park

Leaving from the historic centre of Lucca, where it is possible to rent a bike, we go through Borgo Giannotti and we reach the river Park where there is a ring 11 km long open to bicycles. The most adventurous spirits can test themselves at fluvial canoeing.


The Waterworks of Nottolini

The Waterworks of Nottolini

Leaving from the historic centre of Lucca, where it is possible to rent a bike, we go along the waterworks until we reach the spring of water captation.


Monte Pisano (The Mount of Pisa)

Monte Pisano (The Mount of Pisa)

…” i monti per cui i Pisani veder Lucca non ponno” (“the mounts because of which the Pisans could not see Lucca”), Dante called it… Not knowing mass tourism yet, this territory including several towns between the provinces of Lucca and Pisa offers old chestnut woods, olive groves and small villages of ancient history; there […]


Following the course and the speed of water

Following the course and the speed of water

Ancient Inuit found an ingenious way to walk on the water, even when it wasn’t icy: canoeing. We have planned simple itineraries within everybody’s reach and with so much Nature: in the lake of Massaciuccoli and in the channels, from the mouth of the river to the sea, or circumnavigating an island or doing “nautical […]


On the water’s surface in a completely natural way

On the water’s surface in a completely natural way

Man has reached the furthest and remotest places sailing across the oceans; he had to learn to sail making maximum use of the winds and the currents of air. It is a world of mystery and fascination, which reminds us of the amniotic fluid where we spent the 9 months of our life before the […]


Cetacean sighting

Cetacean sighting

On board silent boats which can carry a maximum of 12 persons (skipper, guide and participants),we will venture out in the sanctuary of the cetacean to sight dolphins. Contacts and suggestions: We work together with researchers, and they have at their disposal a Laboratory Boat equipped with all the equipment for research; visits must be […]


Sailing and trekking around the small islands

Sailing and trekking around the small islands

Sailing among the Tuscan Archipelago when is available: From 01/03/2011 at 30/10/2011 Haiking, Sailing&Paddling / In the islands [legend] Difficulty: Price: 240 € Guide service and Kayak Instructor; is not included the equipment rental coast Min. participants: 5 A paddling adventure in the Tuscan Archipelago, in harmony with nature, moving in a kayak to discover […]


Liguria’s Cinque Terre

Liguria’s Cinque Terre

They aren’t islands, but they are just like islands. They are lands between sea and mountain peeping on a sea reserve. We can go on foot along the “Via dell’Amore” (the Love Road”) from Riomaggiore to Monterosso, otherwise we can sail close to the shore from Portovenere, passing between Palm aria and Tino. If you […]


Walking and trekking between Earth and Sea

Walking and trekking between Earth and Sea

Man was born in the Savannah, he had to learn to walk to survive, and then he stopped staying always in the same place and became a wanderer. In the Era of the Internet and of the fast means of transport, we feel the need for a new direction for our legs. So, from the […]


Esco dal Desco & Nordic Walking nel prossimo finesettimana

Esco dal Desco & Nordic Walking nel prossimo finesettimana

English version not available yet, come back soon!


Dalle Alpi Apuane al mar Tirreno

Dalle Alpi Apuane al mar Tirreno

Data: dal 13/08/2010 al 15/08/2010 Camminando / In collina e in montagna [legenda] Difficoltà: Costo: 170 € mangiare, dormire, servizio guida assicurazione Min. partecipanti: 4 Saremo 3 giorni immersi in un’itinerario dal sapore del Mare e dei Monti. Un Vela+Trekking che vi porterà sulle Alpi Apuane in un eco-alpeggio di case di pietra dotate di […]


Nordic Walking alla 34°Marcia delle Ville

Nordic Walking alla 34°Marcia delle Ville

No English version available yet!


Birdwatching in Canoa

Birdwatching in Canoa

.…being in a marsh with an old history, we can learn its traditions going along the lake channels on board the traditional “Barchini” (marshes boat) moved by ecological electrical motor, or have a try canoeing or kayaking – more adventurous indeed! For those who are fond of bird-watching it will be possible to visit the […]


Lungo i sentieri del Compitese dal Nottolini alle Camelie

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Le basse Apuane, il M. Prana

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Le Pizzorne da Valgiano

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