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The Apuane Alps

The Apuane Alps

…beyond Garfagnana valley, in front of the Tyrrhenian Sea, the wildest area of the Apuane Alps are situated, a Regional Park of enchanting beauty and treacherous difficulty. We can go through it on foot in 4 or 5 days, from hut to hut, but also hurriedly visit it in one day; they offer pointed peaks, panoramic views of the sea, breathtaking sceneries, animals that are wild such as mouflons and boars, flora of rare beauty and endemisms that are subjects of studies and analysis and are preserved in important botanic stations. All this must coexist with the marble extracting industry, which now has existed for centuries on this mountains, but that only in these very last years has really been changing them…

Karstification is a widespread phenomenon: water has carved astonishing caves in the limestone, and speleologists from all over the world envy us those wonders. Antro del Corchia andGrotta del Vento are accessible to visitors.

Apuane Alps can be dangerous in winter because of ice, therefore they are suited to equipped excursionists, while in summer they are within everybody’s reach, even less experienced hikers.

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