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Exploring Tuscany through Water, Earth and Sky

Like the greater part of our peninsula, Tuscany is lands which come out from the sea… Its shaping began during the Apennine orogenesis: a story of more than 250 millions of years. In those remote times that geologists called with odd and imaginative names, oceans were teeming with life and every kind of organisms occupied the different environments from the depths to the surface; once dead, their corpses were gathering in the seabed. The remnants of the shells and of the skeletons created layers of calcareous or siliceous mud. Exactly these layers shaped the rocks of the Apennines over millions of years. The movements of the earth’s crust, together with volcanism and earthquakes, made the rest of the job, moving, compressing and bending the seabeds: finally they came out during a period that goes from the Palaeocene to the Miocene, about 60 – 30 millions of years ago. During the last stages of the orogenesis in the shallow waters of a primordial ocean called Thetide, the cetaceans evolved. Exploring Tuscany through Water, Earth and Sky… this is what I propose you. Discovering Nature, history, and the traditions of a land which is young but ancient. By parks or ancient villages, I will come with you along the most secret and gratifying paths I know. In fact, what is a Guide, if he doesn’t know the road and how to go along it? I am a qualified Guide, according to the LR Toscana n54 2000 (member of the Associazione Guide Ambientali della Toscana – Association of the Environmental Guides of Tuscany). On foot, by mountain bike, kayak or sailing boat, sea-watching or snorkeling, going around farms or little medieval villages… …it is a world to be discovered, and travelling by foot is surely the best way to do it. The slow rhytms, the opening of the senses to Nature and letting it get in us, striking up a real friendship with the people met along the road… I will make you discover the parks walking on tiptoe, and not only searching for ancient tastes through the vineyards and the olive groves in Lucchesia, but also in the Apuane Alps, in Garfagnana, in the lake of Massaciuccoli, in the islands of the Tuscan archipelago in the Tyrrhenian Sea. Travelling on foot, then, to appreciate the naturalistic, experiential and therapeutic aspects, and knowing the local people. Not only trekking then, but also a journey in the Nature, with footpaths, crossings in sailing boats, routes for mountain bikes or canoes, and swim across bays with crystal-clear water, because we are travellers, which means we are people who live in our own steps and who feed on experience. The possibilities which Tuscany offers us are several: find them following the links here on the right.